Charinga Sale Rams are looking well, with very soft wool, good structure and muscle. Charinga sale rams are now SWS accredited and are non-mulesed. All lambs are not mulesed. The wool is all marketed through the Wool Solutions with SWS accreditation, several wools being sold directly to Country Road at profitable returns. Many of our clients required this accreditation when purchasing their Charinga Rams.
2024 Sale Date
30th September, 2024
We attend a variety of shows through out the year including the Australia Sheep show in Bendigo in July as well as holding our own on property open day and sale days in September and October respectively.
Australian Sheep Show
19th-21st July, 2024
Join us in Bendigo for the largest event of its type in the world, as the 'best of best' sheep breeders compete
Marnoo Field Day
Banavie and Charinga will have around 100 Merino's on display including this years Sale Rams, Sires and Ewes.
National Sheep Show
Banavie and Charinga will have Merino's on display including this years Sale Rams and Sires
On Property Open Day
19th September, 2024
Come attend our onsite Open Day and check out all the Main Sale Rams before sale day.
On Property Sale Day
30th September, 2024
Charinga and Banavie's On Property Sale featuring 200 rams.
We would like to acknowledge our long term and new clients for their support throughout the year.
Charinga are Merino seed stock studs, with both poll and horn genetics, and sell genetics across Australia and Internationally.
The studs continue to be commercially driven, and focus on wool cut and quality while maintaining a large meaty frame.
We continue breeding balanced Merinos (horn & poll) which have the potency to be used in the stud and commercial Merino industry. Maintaining the wool and skin quality with true fibre density, alignment, nourishment and brightness with exceptional wool cut (quality & quantity) while enhancing early maturity, muscling, structure and fertility.
The result is a great Merino with very good wool, frame, fertility and constitution - and most importantly, very profitable - hence the many successes our clients are enjoying in state and national competitions.

"A self replacing Charinga flock is very profitable"
Charinga Merino seed stock studs, with both poll and horn genetics, and sell genetics across Australia and Internationally.
The studs continue to be commercially driven, and focus on wool cut and quality while maintaining a large meaty frame. Our genetics profitability is reflected in the results of the NSW DPI's "Merino Bloodline Performance", a trial comparing 77 bloodlines over 10 years. Pushing boundaries, we have clients achieving cuts of 6kg every 6 months.
Good Merino ewes are returning between $400 - $500 ANNUALLY!
The outlook for heavy cutting, fertile, medium wool Merinos remains excellent.
This years sire selection and matings will impact on lambs next year
They will be 1 year old the following year
And finally, your BREEDERS the year after - impacting on lambing and returns